Refresher courses

Are you looking for an English course where you get to speak a lot and practise your skills, either full-time or part-time, and you want it for free?

Then we have the right course for you.

Join our Refresher Courses and you not only get interesting and varied lessons for free, you also help us train the next generation of language teachers.

Our Refresher Course lessons are taught by our trainee teachers, supervised by one of our experienced teacher trainers – so you can be sure that the lessons will be useful, even though our trainees are learning.

The catch?  We need you to come to class regularly.  If you attend at least 8 days out of 10, your course is absolutely free – otherwise, it’s still just EUR 10,00.  You help us.  We reward you.  Everyone wins.

Since 2004, the BERLIN SCHOOL OF ENGLISH has provided Cambridge University approved English teacher training courses. Over four weeks full-time or three months part-time, trainees from all over the world study for their CELTA qualifications (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults).

This internationally recognised certificate qualifies graduates of the CELTA course to teach English as a second language to adults. Part of their training is the practical application of their teaching skills in a classroom environment. Our refresher courses offer these teachers-in-training the opportunity to teach and offer participants the chance to learn in an enthusiastic and professional environment, at an extremely reasonable cost.

The full-time refresher course takes place over two or four weeks, Monday to Friday, from 3pm to 5.10pm for a total of 20 or 40 hours (60 minutes) per course.

The part-time refresher course takes place over 5 or 10 weeks with two lessons per week, usually Tuesday and Thursday, from 5.30pm to 7.40pm, for a total of 20 or 40 hours (60 minutes) per course.

Participating in a refresher course offers you the advantage of refreshing your English with highly motivated teachers-in-training at a low cost.

Refresher courses
Course dates full-time: Monday to Friday 3pm to 5.10pm

08.01.24 – 19.01.24*
22.01.24 – 02.02.24
15.04.24 – 29/30.04.24*
02.05.24 – 17.05.24*
03.06.24 – 14.06.24
17.06.24 – 28.06.24
08.07.24 – 19.07.24
22.07.24 – 02.08.24
02.09.24 – 13.09.24
16.09.24 – 27.09.24*
14.10.24 – 25.10.24
28.10.24 – 08.11.24
04.11.24 – 19.11.24 (ONLINE)
25.11.24 – 06.12.24
09.12.24 – 20.12.24

*Due to a public holiday, the course time changes to 15:30 – 17:40 Uhr


Part-time: 2x per week (Tuesdays & Thursdays) 5.30pm -7.40pm

27.02.24 –  28.03.24
23.04.24 –  23.05.24

04.11.24 –  19.11.24 (online)


Duration 2 or 4 weeks 5 weeks
Teaching units of 60 mins 20 (2 weeks) oder 40 (4 weeks) 10
Required minimum level of English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages*
– A2
– B1
– B2
– C1Levels offered may vary; contact us for information about your preferred course dates
Number of participants average of 10
Price per participant 2 weeks: € 10*
4 weeks: € 20***If you attend minimum 8 out of 10 days (** or 16 out of 20 days), you get 100% course fee refund
5 weeks: € 10*
10 weeks: € 20***If you attend minimum 8 out of 10 days (** or 16 out of 20 days), you get 100% course fee refund

  • Register for a refresher course here:

  • Online registration

For any questions about our refresher courses please contact us on: 030-2290455