Language levels: Common European Reference Framework for Languages (CERF)

Language skills in six levels

The Common European Reference Framework for Languages provides teachers and students with a clear and comprehensive way to measure foreign language learning competence.


The recommendations for the four reading, writing, listening and speaking skills are divided into six levels of competence. These levels, which range from absolute beginner to proficiency, are in our opinion too broad to account for the reality of learning a new language. As a result, and in order to provide you with the course most suited to your skills, we have divided each level into three further sub-levels.

EU Frame of reference Levels on the course certificate Number of hours required
to reach the next level
(Intensive course)
Number of hours required
to reach the next level
(Extensive course)
A1 Beginner 60-80 48
Beginner 60-80 48
Elementary 60-80 48
A2 Pre-Intermediate 60-80 48
Pre-Intermediate 60-80 48
Pre-Intermediate 60-80 48
B1 Lower-Intermediate 60-80 48
Intermediate 60-80 48
Intermediate 120-160 96
B2 Upper Intermediate 60-80 48
Upper Intermediate 60-80 48
Upper Intermediate 120-160 96
C1 Advanced 60-80 48
Advanced 60-80 48
Advanced 120-160 96
C2 Proficiency 120-160 96
Proficiency 120-160 96